The brewers at Clandestin offer us a Fruity IPA, an unfiltered craft beer with 5 types of barley malt, 3 types of hops, selected yeast and passionfruit extract that feels hearty. We'd say it also feels coconutty, but they don't say they'd put it in.
Smells. When you bring the glass to your mouth, the fruity, floral flavours hit you. It's the kind of beer you want to smell all the time. At Bookatar, gentlemen and ladies drank it. And the gentlemen said the same :)
Taste. It is a Fruity IPA where the fruit flavour is present and combines excellently with the hop notes. Very slightly bitter, but very tasty.
Aspect. Mr. Nobody is slightly cloudy and beats in a silvery hue.
It's among the tastiest beers I've tried so I gave it a very high rating.
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